Girls going through puberty may be more prone to gingivitis. Bulimia (an eating disorder in which girls force themselves to vomit after eating), results in dissolution of tooth enamel.
Monthly hormonal fluctuations make some women more prone to gingivitis or cold sores or mouth ulcers, before or during menstruation.
Birth Control Pills
Gingivitis is a common side effect of birth control pills, and women may also develop a dry month or gum pigmentation. If a woman has a tooth pulled while she’s on the Pill, a painful condition called dry socket, may develop.
Anywhere from 30 to 60 percent of women will develop gingivitis during pregnancy due to a rise in hormone levels, which exaggerates the way gum tissues react to the irritants in plaque. Its’ important for expectant moms to brush and floss with care and to continue regular dental visits for routine cleanings. Avoiding periodontal disease is also critical for the health of an infant. Recent studies show bacteria in plaque are linked to a higher risk of giving birth to premature, low-birth weight infants.
Women going through menopause may experience a dry mouth, burning sensations, sensitivity to hot and cold food, changes in the way good tastes, or perhaps osteoporosis of the jaw. Hormone replacement therapy can ease many of these problems, but it takes teamwork on the part of the patient and her dentist and gynecologist to determine whether this treatment is appropriate.